Soul + Substance = Action + Affection


Modern Food from Ancient Fields

Bringing life and energy to a legacy brand.


The Challenge

Ancient Harvest is a pioneer – the first company to bring quinoa to the U.S and develop gluten free pastas. However, by 2019, many new players had entered the category with tasty products and fresh branding.


The Solution

Modern Food from Ancient Fields. We understood the importance of modernizing the brand while maintaining its recognition among current consumers. Teal, being a core visual element of the brand, was preserved as a key feature, while other aspects were open to change. The logo type was modernized to reflect a contemporary look, and the brand identity was strengthened by placing it prominently at the center of the packaging. This redesign allowed for the creation of product sublines, achieved through the use of a banner integrated with the logo. Additionally, we enhanced the visual appeal by incorporating high-contrast photography to emphasize the product’s taste and quality.

Logo, Packaging Design


Food Photography Credit: Annette Slade